Raphael Dalleo is Professor of Literary Studies in the Department of English at Bucknell University, as well as an affiliate member of Critical Black Studies and Latin American Studies. He teaches world literature in English with a particular focus on Caribbean studies.
His most recent book focuses on Caribbean cultural and political responses to the U.S. occupation of Haiti from 1915 to 1934. He was selected as a Scholar-in-Residence by the New York Public Library’s Schomburg Center for Research in Black Cultures to carry out this research. This research was published as American Imperialism Undead: The Occupation of Haiti and the Rise of Caribbean Anticolonialism (University of Virginia Press, 2016). The book won the 2017 Gordon K. and Sibyl Lewis prize for best book about the Caribbean, awarded by the Caribbean Studies Association. Professor Dalleo talked about the book on the New Books Network podcast.
He is coeditor of Caribbean Literature in Transition, 1920-1970 (Cambridge University Press, 2021), author of Caribbean Literature and the Public Sphere: From the Plantation to the Postcolonial (University of Virginia Press, 2011), coauthor of The Latino/a Canon and the Emergence of Post-Sixties Literature (Palgrave Macmillan, 2007), editor of Bourdieu and Postcolonial Studies (Liverpool University Press, 2016), and coeditor of Haiti and the Americas (University Press of Mississippi, 2013). His essays have been published in journals such as Small Axe, Research in African Literatures, Journal of West Indian Literature, and South Asian Review.
He is a senior editor of Journal of West Indian Literature, having served on the International Advisory Board of Latino Studies and as review editor of Anthurium: A Caribbean Studies Journal. He was a founding member of the Modern Language Association’s Caribbean Forum and chaired the forum’s executive committee in 2020.